Direct Billing for Insurances
We are happy to announce that we now provide the convenience of direct billing for eligible Chiropractic and Massage claims for the following plan members:
Chiropractic and Massage Claims
How It Works
In addition to these providers, we are also permitted to provide these services for members of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, Canadian Forces, and Veterans Affairs. It is advised, if uncertain of benefit eligibility, to speak with your benefit provider for assistance as pre-authorization requirements may apply.
Once you have been signed up for our direct billing service – if eligible – you may not have to pay for your full visit out of pocket: we will try to do the work for you so that you only have to pay for the portion your plan does not cover and your benefits provider will send us the remainder (or you can pay upfront and we will submit the claim on your behalf). Unfortunately we are unable to determine if you’re plan will allow direct billing or how much coverage you have, but your insurance company can discuss these details with you if it’s a concern. For many policies we will require that you pay for your first visit and we can direct the payment back to you (saving you paperwork and time) – however on future visits it is often easier for us to determine how much they are paying (at the time of appointment).
If interested in learning what benefits your plan offers for chiropractic care and massage therapy, have a visit to your provider’s website with the links provided or contact your representative.